Practice At Home: The Art of Written Communication

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Parents Resources

Practice At Home: The Art of Written Communication

Although not quite so simple - school is for learning, teachers are for teaching, and parents are the glue that brings education and real life experience together. It is your job as a parent to reinforce what your child is learning at school and help them expand that knowledge into real world skills.

Parent Pointers

These newsletter-friendly nuggets of advice offer quick answers related to common parenting issues. Parent Pointers are perfect reminders of the importance of being an active participant in your child's education.

The Reading Machine

Check out our Reading Machine collection-a whole library of computer games you'll be happy to let your child play. Kids love screen time -- why not reinforce literacy skills while you entertain?

Get More Involved

Need fresh ideas for getting involved? Our Parent Involvement in Schools section provides a wide array of perfect projects for PTAs and parent volunteers. Could you make one of these ideas work at your son or daughter's school?

Word Search Puzzles

These classic learning activities painlessly build reading and spelling skills. With many to choose from, try one of EducationWorld's Word Search Puzzles, and see who finishes first-you or your child!
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