POSTED: 18/10/2011 at 1:35pm  BY: Corinne Consoli Comments (0) Comment on Post

10/17-10/21 GRADE 7

Monday 10/17 After completing the quiz today, no homework

Tues 10/18 complete the worksheet received in class today filling in el/la appropriately based on word genders.

Wed 10/19
Based on our discussion in class today, list 5 people you would use TÚ with, and 5 people you would use Usted with. List anyone you are not sure about. How do you think that Usted can be abbreviated? What questions do you already know in the TÚ form? (list 4)

Thurs 10/20
How would you phrase these questions FORMALLY? (Using Usted)
What is your name? How are you? Do you like animals? How old are you?

Friday 10/21--
Study all new classroom vocab!! (flashcards!)


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