POSTED: 02/11/2011 at 2:03pm  BY: Corinne Consoli Comments (0) Comment on Post

10/31-11/4 GRADE 8

Monday- Be safe tonight! Optional 2 side Dia de los Muertos sheet

Tues-- Verb formation/Dia de los Muertos sheet (you will be translating this sheet during Academic Support)

Wed-- Present Progressive sentence translations
Estoy mirando el partido.
Estamos escuchando a la maestra.
Están jugando afuera.
¿Quién está hablando?
Translate each sentence!

Thurs-Pretend you could spy on your pet(s) real or imaginary during the day! Use the present progressive tense to say what they would be doing!
Use your imagination!
Estar + verb that ends in ando or iendo!

Fri-- Review the Present progressive form and rules for showing possession/ownership in Spanish!


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